Science Just Proved Why Transgender Kids Should Be Allowed To Be Themselves
There's no question we've made some strides in representation of transgender youths over the past few years. Modern Family featured the first transgender child actor in September of 2016 and...
View ArticleA Top Celeb Hairstylist Shares The Secrets Behind Her Best Hair Snaps
Last year, Kim Kardashian uploaded a series of braid photos to Instagram — garnering an impressive 1.2 million likes on one post alone. That moment became the turning point for the hairstylist behind...
View ArticleWhat Celebs Actually Cook For Themselves
Real talk: if I was a celebrity, I would find it very easy to never pick up a skillet or knife again. After all, no more cooking means no more dishes, right? (I'd also have someone make my bed every...
View ArticlePolitician Says Women Should Make Their Husbands Breakfast In Bed
Another one to file under "This shit is bananas."Two male, Republican members of the House of Representatives from North Dakota — Bernie Satrom and Vernon Laning — made some stunningly insensitive...
View ArticleWhy Runners Should Up The Incline
Photo: Courtesy of Adidas.Yesterday, in San Francisco, 100 women wearing the new adidas UltraBOOST X ran up a hilariously steep road called Filbert, which boasts an incline of 31.5% (17.5°). Then, we...
View ArticleElizabeth Warren Silenced By US Senate
Most of the victories currently available to Congressional Democrats are moral. Just as they spoke out against the nomination of Betsy DeVos, Senate Democrats will attempt to hold the floor before the...
View ArticleIt's Time To Stop Defining Ourselves By Our Careers
“For three years I struggled to find work within conservation or ecology – working a few short contracts, volunteering a lot and waitressing to keep myself afloat. These were the most exhausting years...
View ArticleMoney Diary: Theatre Producer In Cardiff On 25k
Welcome to Money Diaries, where we're tackling what might be the last taboo facing modern working women: money. We're asking a cross-section of women how they spend their hard-earned money during a...
View ArticleAn Essay On Attending NYU With Mary-Kate & Ashley
The following is an excerpt from Alana Massey's recently released bookAll The Lives I Want: Essays About My Best Friends Who Happen to Be Famous Strangers .The first time I had (and likely the only...
View ArticleHow To Do Your First Ski Trip
Skiing can be intimidating to those, like me, who've never been. Every January we endure the flood of ski selfies in our Facebook feeds, the iPhones reflected in mirrored goggles with backdrops to die...
View ArticleKitten Heels Are Back! Here's How To Wear Them
Hey. Hey! Come back and hear me out. I promise the return of kitten heels isn't as bad as it sounds. The functional footwear so often associated with frumpiness rather than high fashion has made an...
View ArticleMelania Trump Vs Daily Mail. Is It Legal To Monetise Her Role As First Lady?
On Monday, first lady Melania Trump re-filed a $150 million defamation lawsuit against the Daily Mail's parent company because the website reported rumours that she used to work as a high-end...
View ArticleWho Are The Best New Artist Grammy Nominees?
Adele, John Legend, and Mariah Carey have more in common than just powerhouse vocals. Each of these now-superstars have been recipients of the Grammy award for Best New Artist.So, while the award may...
View ArticleLady Gaga Has A Message For Her Body-Shamers
You know what must be incredibly annoying? Putting your heart and soul into an amazing Super Bowl Halftime Show performance that had you leaping from the sky and effortlessly catching a football when...
View ArticleMother Of Murdered British Woman Pens Scathing Letter To Trump
Photo: Via Mia Ayliffe-Chung's Twitter.@realDonaldTrump An open letter regarding the deaths of the heroic Tom Jackson and my daughter, Mia Ayliffe-Chung:— Rosie Ayliffe...
View ArticlePlease Don't Send J.K. Rowling Tweets About Her Own Death
Guys, we get it. With the exception of a few Death Eater trolls, everyone loves J.K. Rowling. She's flattered. But let's keep it in check, okay?Yesterday the Harry Potter author called out a meme that...
View ArticleThis Woman Reunited With Her Rapist To Share Their Story
There is no "right" way to react after experiencing a sexual assault or rape. As with any traumatic experience, how one copes and learns to come to terms with what's happened is unique. There is no set...
View ArticleThe Important Reason You'll See White Bandanas Everywhere This Season
Photo: Courtesy of Business of Fashion. This season, you're going to spot white bandanas worn by a slew of designers and industry leaders; the cheap, classic accessory is even going to make cameos on...
View ArticleOrange Is The New Black Has A Big Announcement
Netflix has been dropping announcements left and right lately. The bad news is that you still have to wait until Halloween for Stranger Things to return. The good news is Orange is the New Black 's...
View ArticleHelp: My Boyfriend Doesn't "Get" Feminism
Welcome to Unprofessional Advice. With zero professional experience and a complete lack of credentials, I'll take on your issues with compassion and humour (and I'll keep it anonymous). Got a question...
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