It’s Lit Part II – A Curated Winter Reading List
Welcome to It’s Lit – a series of discussions about books. Join us every month to find out who’s reading what.This month, TV writer Camilla Blackett spoke to us from her Los Angeles home. Born in...
View ArticleYour Horoscope This Week
Illustrated by John Lisle.Photographed by Christine Hahn.Why wait until January 1 to map out your resolutions? This Thursday, the annual new moon in Capricorn turns us all towards our grandest goals....
View ArticleChristmas Morning When You're Single...
I committed to writing this piece a couple of weeks into December; I had an idea that I could write a series of pieces documenting my single – no children, no partner – yuletide season. I think that...
View ArticleGoing The Extra Mile: The Normal Women Who Run... Far
Photo: Courtesy of Alice Tate. Running. Bit of a love or hate one isn’t it? Either you enjoy pounding the pavements several times a week, soaking up the endorphins whilst letting your mind run free,...
View ArticleHow To Update Your Eyeliner If You're Over The Cat-Eye Flick
The black feline flick is the LBD of the makeup world – it goes with anything and works for every occasion. But just like the LBD, sometimes there'll be an event that requires something a little...
View ArticleMoney Diaries 2016: How Working Women Spent Their Cash
This year, we've tackled what might be the last taboo facing modern working women: money. In our Money Diaries series, we asked a cross-section of women how they spend their hard-earned cash during a...
View ArticleJuno Roche Remembers George Michael
The video for “Club Tropicana” opens with Pepsi and Shirlie, backing singers for Wham, first driving and then walking into a set for a poolside party; we know it's summer, we know it's a warm balmy...
View ArticleFrom Syria to Birmingham: A Refugee Reflects One Year On
Photo: Ryan Holloway.A year ago, Salam Azmeh* had never heard of Asda or Birmingham. But now, the supermarket and the UK’s largest city outside of London are both part of her daily life after she fled...
View ArticleWhat To Do In The Lull Between Christmas & New Year
What with the month-long build-up, it's only natural to experience a Christmas comedown once you've polished off the festive leftovers in a sarnie on Boxing Day morning. What now, eh? You refuse to...
View Article9 Visionary Women Reveal How They #MadeIt
Motivational quotes on Instagram might be that nudge of encouragement you need in the morning, as you prepare to face the day. But sometimes you need something more; something like an interview with a...
View ArticleThe Skin Soothing Masks You Need For The Post-Christmas Slump
You’ve done very little over the past week but you’re still tired. You’ve eaten too much and you never want to see a bottle of Baileys again. Christmas may be over for us but it’s not over for our...
View ArticleIs There Such A Thing As "Global" Style?
Photograph: Jeff OlsonMost of us don’t get our fashion inspiration from glossy mags or red carpets anymore. Ever since the rise of social media, the way we present and consume fashion has changed...
View ArticleCarrie Fisher's Best Quotes Offer Words To Live By
Carrie Fisher's untimely demise at 60 has led to an outpouring of support from friends and fans. In addition to her iconic screen roles, Fisher displayed a laconic and cutting wit on the page and in...
View ArticleThe Most Inspiring Photographs Of 2016
Photo: Courtesy of Daniel Shea.“This is an extraordinary time full of vital, transformative movements that could not be foreseen. It is also a nightmarish time. Full engagement requires the ability to...
View ArticleThese Ill & Pregnant Women In The UK Can't Access Healthcare
Photo: Mark Sherratt.Jeremy was already six months pregnant by the time she first saw a doctor. Born in the Philippines, the 38-year-old had been living in the UK for almost 10 years when she conceived...
View ArticleYour New Instagram Stalks – Best Of 2016
One of the best things about Instagram is voyeuristically peering into other people's lives. But with over 500 million users, how do you choose who to click "follow" on?Well, look no further than our...
View ArticleWomen's Binge Drinking 'Unfairly Stigmatised' By The Media
If you read the mainstream press, you'd be forgiven for thinking that women consume more alcohol than men and are more likely to binge drink. (Showing "scantily clad" women "falling" out of clubs and...
View ArticleDrake & Jennifer Lopez Definitely Want Us To Think They're Dating
Well, it's a good thing Rihanna unfollowed Jennifer Lopez on Instagram. There are just some things RiRi doesn't need to see.Case in point: This snapshot of Lopez spooning with Rihanna's on-off one true...
View ArticleCarey Mulligan Speaks Movingly About Her Grandmother's Dementia
Carey Mulligan has spoken about the potential impact of dementia on patients' families and her own 91-year-old grandmother, who suffers from the disease.The Oscar-nominated actor, who is an ambassador...
View Article15 Unforgettable Trips To Plan In 2017
Photo: Getty Images.At the beginning of 2016, I left my job at a travel magazine to strike out on my own as a freelance travel writer. What I didn’t know at the time is where this leap of faith would...
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