Caryn Franklin On The Psychology Of The Gender Pay Gap
Women are wholly responsible for their own pay gap inequality, says a government advisor in response to BBC revelations that top women earn far less than top men. Sir Philip Hampton plays the usual...
View ArticleTesco Is Changing Its 5p Plastic Bag Policy
Tesco is about to take the environmentally friendly step of scrapping single-use 5p plastic bags. The supermarket giant wants to ensure shoppers use fewer bags, reducing litter and the amount of...
View ArticleWhat Happens When You Turn Off Your Phone Notifications
You know what it's like. You're in deep concentration and attempting to complete a Very Important Task at work when all of a sudden: a buzz or vibration from your phone steals your attention and holds...
View ArticleEntrepreneur Envy: Why We Can't Let Jealousy Over Others' Careers Get Us Down
Looking at Forbes' "30 Under 30" list makes me feel awful. I imagine it must be how a housefly feels looking at a bumble bee; far less impressive, and confused as to why she’s the one sitting in shit...
View ArticleThe Controversial Theme Of Next Year's Met Gala Has Just Been Revealed
The annual fashion exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum's Costume Institute in New York is one of the most talked-about shows in the art calendar, while the launch party – a.k.a. the Met Gala – is one...
View ArticleThe Best Alternatives To Anastasia Beverly Hills' Sold-Out Subculture Palette
Something about eyeshadow palettes garner a cult following. Perhaps the social media storms leading to the latest drops build the hype, or maybe it's the countless online tutorials and Instagram posts...
View ArticleDinner For One: What It's Like To Be A Widow In Your 30s
Nights are the most brutal.For most parents, it’s known as the witching hour, those endless minutes between dinner and bedtime when kids morph from moppets to monsters, mutating into miniature unhinged...
View ArticleFat Women Don't Get To Be Androgynous
Like many queer women my age, I got my first real unadulterated dose of what it meant to be androgynous through the character Shane from The L Word.At the time, she affirmed my burgeoning queer...
View ArticleAll The Home Products You Need From Ikea's 2018 Catalogue
As big-time Ikea enthusiasts, we're always looking to the brand for new decor inspiration. Out of all the product details we get throughout the year, the annual print catalogue never fails to get us...
View Article11 Icelandic Women Open Up About Body Image
As mystical as the geothermal hot springs of southern Iceland may seem, they're actually one of the country's go-to vacation destinations, where you can find both tourists and locals — which is why...
View ArticleWe Need To Talk About Kylie Jenner's Black Friends
And so it begins. Kylie Jenner, the only Kardashian/Jenner sibling pegged to compete with Kim for personal brand recognition, has her own reality show. Life of Kylie premiered Sunday night on E!,...
View Article10 Millennial Pink Places To Go Just For The Instagram
Pink has always been a divisive colour: Fans of the shade can't get enough of it, while those in the opposite camp wear their distaste like a badge of honour. Love it or hate it, there's no denying...
View ArticleThe Secret History Of "Early Adopters" We Never Talk About
Who knew Harry Styles was so woke? Recently, the pop star was asked about his work's popularity among young women, and whether he felt their investment in pop music made him a less serious artist....
View ArticleNo, Wearing A Sports Bra At The Gym Isn't "Showing Off"
When women go to the gym, making a fashion statement isn't always on their minds. Still, athletic attire can be a source of insecurity, especially when workout clothes are tight-fitting. But apparently...
View ArticleHackers Demand Millions In Ransom For Stolen HBO Data
Last week news broke that HBO servers had been hacked to the tune of 1.5 terabytes of data (which equals about 750 hours of video). The FBI joined the investigation of the data breach, which was...
View ArticleThe Shocking Moment A Jogger Pushed A Woman In Front Of A London Bus
The police have released shocking footage of a man pushing a woman in front of a bus in southwest London. The bus driver swerved just in time to avoid running over the 33-year-old woman and luckily she...
View ArticleWhat Your Instagram Posts Could Reveal About Your Mental Health
However much we might like to skirt around the issue, we all know that spending too much time on social media can be bad for our mental health. All those #blessed beach yoga photos and pointless...
View ArticleThe Trials & Tribulations Of Trying To Be Cool & A Mum
"You don’t look like a mum." Really? That’s probably because I’m swigging beer in an east London pub, it’s midnight and I’m asking where we’re all going after closing time. Not back to mine, I hasten...
View ArticleWant To Fake A Plumper Pout? Everything You Need To Know About Lip Contouring
It started with Marilyn Monroe slightly over-lining her lips way back in the ‘50s and now we’ll call it the Kylie Jenner effect. There’s no avoiding it – today we want our lips fuller, plumper and more...
View ArticleDon't Call Me Cute: A Plea From A Short Girl
Back when I started school, I was so tiny that even the smallest off-the-peg uniform had me resembling Tom Hanks at the end of Big, all trailing cuffs and quarterback shoulders. Turning up on my first...
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