The Government Has Rejected Calls To End A Sexist Dress Code At Work
The government has rejected calls to introduce a new law banning companies from telling women to wear high heels at work.This sexist and outdated dress code hit the headlines in December 2015 when...
View ArticleThese Are The Books People Lie About Reading - When They've Only Seen The Film
Nearly half of us are are simply too busy to read more books, a new survey has found.A survey of 2,000 UK adults by The Reading Agency found that 67% would like to read more often, but 48% said they...
View ArticleBehold: The Best Cuddling Positions For Every Situation
It’s safe to say that, for most people, being held (by someone you actually like) feels nice. And cuddling doesn’t only feel good — it can actually do good, too.Research suggests the benefits of...
View Article9 Zodiac Sign Compatibility Theories People Swear By
When the worlds of dating and astrology collide, you end up in the thorny land of sign compatibility, where astrologers attempt to make sweeping generalisations about which signs are meant to be...
View ArticleThe Star Of The Handmaid's Tale Says Her Character Isn't A Feminist
The narrative of Hulu's series The Handmaid's Tale, based on the bestseller by Margaret Atwood, follows a young woman who had a family, a job, and a name of her own, but in a society ruled by a...
View ArticleYour New Interiors Obsession: Terrazzo
Look down at the floor at a busy train station or airport and often you'll find yourself standing on a speckled concrete floor which, until recently, hadn't commanded much attention from the interiors...
View ArticleHow To Save Your Feet After A Marathon
If you've run, or are running, the London Marathon this weekend – or indeed any other marathon around the world – then you'll know one thing to be true: your feet are well and truly buggered.From the...
View ArticleAbout Katy Perry's Kardashian Makeover — Did Unicorn Fraps Make Her Do It?
It looks like there is a new addition to the Kardashian clan, and her name is Katy Perry? That's right. Yesterday Perry took to Instagram to show off her new look – and it is a little bit...
View ArticleAfter Their Flight Attendant Made A Mum Cry, American Airlines Reacted Perfectly
The days of "flying the friendly skies" appear to be long gone, but American Airlines is at least trying to fix the latest flight attendant controversy to go viral.On Friday, a flight attendant on...
View ArticleThe House Where Marilyn Monroe Lived & Died Is For Sale For £5.4 Million
Marilyn Monroe was rumoured to once have said, "Anybody who likes my house, I’m sure I’ll get along with." Well, another rumour has it that her ghost is still haunting the 2,624-square-foot,...
View ArticleThe Women's Equality Party Wants To Oust Sexist MP Philip Davies
Sophie Walker (pictured left), the leader of the Women's Equality Party, has announced she will stand against "sexist" MP Philip Davies in the general election.Davies, the Conservative MP for Shipley...
View ArticleYour Horoscope This Week
Practical magic is in the air as Wednesday's new moon in Taurus showers the world with its pixie dust. This is 2017's first supermoon, which means la luna is sitting at her closest proximity (or...
View ArticleMen Are Committing Sexual Assault By "Stealthing"
A new study explores the phenomenon of "stealthing" — the practice of non-consensually removing a condom during sex — giving a name to an act many people have experienced as extremely violating, but...
View ArticleRihanna Memed Herself, Because She's The Queen
As a numbers game, Rihanna is not the undisputable queen of Instagram. That title currently belongs to Beyoncé.However, Rih just may be the patron saint of the platform; an exemplary user who never...
View ArticleThe Difference Between Dreadlocks, Goddess Locks, & So Much More
In this business, we go by the rule of threes: if you see one person doing some cool beauty shit, you take note. Two is really when you take notice. But three? Well, that means it's officially a thing....
View ArticleInspiring Instagram Pictures From the London Marathon
Earlier today, a record number of runners took part in the London Marathon.According to organisers, some 40,382 people attempted the 26.2-mile course around the capital - over 1,000 more than last...
View ArticleThis 13 Reasons Why Actor Found That Omitting His Race Got Him More Auditions
In January, ahead of the 13 Reasons Why fandom , Refinery29 spoke to actor Ross Butler about breaking Asian stereotypes. The baby-faced 26-year-old has carved a niche for himself playing characters...
View ArticleHere's What It's Like To Write Jokes For President Obama
Writing jokes for President Obama sounds like a little bit of a high pressure gig. You have to deliver lines that would be plausible coming out of the mouth of the leader of the free world, not make...
View Article7 Weird & Wonderful Turmeric Products At Whole Foods Market
2017 really is the year of turmeric. And the superfood du jour truly is a versatile beast, worming its way into everything from face masks to juices to curries.As well as providing a spicy zing to...
View ArticleInspired By The Marathon? Here's Some Other Great Runs To Sign Up For
If the sight of tens of thousands of sweaty but exhilarated runners crossing the finish line of the London Marathon yesterday stirred your inner runner into action, then fear not, there are plenty of...
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