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Your Horoscope This Week

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Illustrated by John Lisle.Photographed by Christine Hahn.

Forget about building walls. The time has come for building stronger bridges instead. This Monday, the 21st of November, the illuminating sun crosses the threshold into Sagittarius — the sign that governs diversity and cross-cultural relations. During this month-long solar cycle, idealism is great, action is greater. Be the safety pin instead of just wearing one: Sagittarius season might bring some real talk, but we also need to walk the path of our words. Small steps can bring seismic shifts. Start by reaching out with curiosity to someone from a different background or teaming up with a diverse group of neighbours to organise a gathering. Sagittarius is the truth-seeker of the zodiac, and it also rules the law. Protest or march if you're so moved, and also talk to the politically experienced people in your midst about actions you can take to preserve and protect your rights.

Thursday is Thanksgiving in the U.S., and we'll all need an extra dose of willpower for this one. A rare and complex clash between outspoken Jupiter and shadowy Pluto could bring some volcanic energy to the celebrations. With Jupiter in Libra, the sign of justice, many people will feel compelled to voice what they feel is right. The trouble is, Pluto is parked in Capricorn, bringing power to conservative and patriarchal views. Talking turkey about the political climate could turn into a combustible mess. If you fear key relationships could go down in flames from your dinner conversation, detour to a different celebration. This is just not the time to play with fire, especially when it comes to family connections.

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November 22 to December 21

New week, new outlook — big time! The sun swings into Sagittarius for a month this Monday, restoring you to a proactive headspace. Your focus sharpens, your visionary skills take the fore, and some brilliant ideas could flow in, ready to be deployed. Summon that independent spirit, too. With the sun in your sign, you can lead by example, being the first to speak up or step out on behalf of a meaningful cause. Your birthday season is a time to let your hair down while also enjoying rapid personal growth. Invest in something meaningful and enriching, like a workshop (in India!) or leadership training that you can use to help make a difference in the world.

The more might not be the merrier on Thanksgiving, alas. While your ruler, Jupiter, is in your communal 11th house, he'll be checked by domineering Pluto in your house of values on Thanksgiving. As much as you think you can put aside differences and "let love rule," there's likely to be a button-pusher in the ranks. If you can't avoid the gathering, try to convince the host to serve it up buffet-style so you don't wind up in a group discussion that turns into a battle of wills! Check those retail-therapy impulses on Black Friday. Before you hit the sale racks, make a list (and check it twice). Consider carrying cash so you don't go over budget and wind up with a massive Visa bill. Be a discerning consumer, and you could score some real treasures!

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.
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December 22 to January 19

Surrender, Capricorn. That doesn't mean giving up the fight. But with the sun decamping to your healing, compassionate 12th house until the 21st of December, you could use a break! This solar-powered month actually helps you see the "other side" clearly. You may never see eye to eye with your opposition — but can you understand what shaped their mindset? A willingness to suspend judgment (temporarily, at least) can help you craft a stronger case later on when you're ready to bridge the divide…or at least try. By the same token, there are certain people whose energy is eternally upsetting, or just plain vampiric. Over the next four weeks, you may do a little un-friending — or at least move certain people a bit further away from your sacred inner circle. Shield your field!

Thanksgiving is Thursday, and this one could be a challenger. With private Pluto in Capricorn and your house of self-expression clashing with candid Jupiter, you won't be in the mood to "talk turkey" about any touchy topics. But people around you will, and that could just rile up an angry response — and a vitriolic rant you were trying to avoid unleashing. Steer clear of the button-pushers and make sure you're sitting next to a like-minded soul at the table. On Friday, Pluto will sync up with amorous Venus in your sign, making you ultra-magnetic. Cupid could bring the healing salve for your Thanksgiving angst. If you're single, right-swipe away or make plans to meet up with a school crush "for old time's sake." Mm-hmmm.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.
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January 20 to February 18

Get in formation, Aquarius! This Monday, the sun swoops into Sagittarius and your humanitarian, collaborative 11th house. Your revolutionary spirit is never too far from the surface, but for the coming month it could bubble up like an eruptive volcano. Use your smarts, savvy, and natural organising skills to make a statement. Social media, too, as the 11th house is the tech sector of the zodiac. Find community groups that speak to your ethos, or start one yourself. Your innovative mind is just what's needed, and you can make a difference in the world.

Thursday is Thanksgiving, but it might feel more like Independence Day for many Water Bearers. A cosmic clash between Jupiter and Pluto won't give you much patience for "let's avoid discussing the presidency" small talk or, really, much chatter at all. You'd rather be left alone to work on a creative project, daydream, and watch documentaries on YouTube. Give yourself the space you need, but don't leave people in the lurch if you promised to bring the wine for dinner or pick up a relative from the airport. Use the weekend as your retreat time instead — a spa day or a little trip out of the city would do your soul some good.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.
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February 19 to March 20

Dearest Pisces, your sensitive soul is no doubt in agony right now. As the zodiac's most compassionate sign, many Fish have found themselves in a state of helpless hand-wringing or straight-up heartbreak over the political events of late. Fortunately, the planets are throwing you a life raft and hauling you out of the emotion ocean that you've been drowning in. This Monday, the sun begins blazing a monthlong trail through your 10th house of leadership and goals. Shift into a solution-oriented mindset. What can be done, Pisces? Interestingly, the 10th house is the masculine realm, so collaborating with conscious men could be in the cards. Hey, maybe they'll lend you a hand in smashing that "highest of glass ceilings"? Stranger things have happened.

Keep your caretaking urges in check on Thanksgiving. A tangled angle between excessive Jupiter and controlling Pluto could leave you feeling overburdened — especially if you're trying to keep everyone happy! It's not your job to play peacemaker or middleman; in fact, that will probably be impossible this year. If you sense celebrations could be tense, duck out early for a volunteer shift — or show up late while everyone else is polishing off their pumpkin pie. An intimate celebration for two might be right up your alley. You can circle back with your peeps on Friday when a Venus-Pluto mashup restores your social-butterfly status.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.
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March 21 to April 19

Okay, Aries, enough moping around and telling all your friends that the rapture is happening. This Monday, the sun sails into compatible Sagittarius and fires up your can-do spirit. Embrace diversity. Those so-called differences don't have to divide: For the next four weeks, you're the zodiac's ambassador, tearing down walls instead of building them. Go out of your way to connect to neighbours and coworkers from different cultures. You might even form or join an existing alliance. Need to get away from it all? The next four weeks are an ideal time for traveling, passport a plus.

Speaking of travels, you might opt to spend Thanksgiving on a tropical beach instead of gathered around the table with people whose views are counter to your own. A tricky clash between outspoken Jupiter and conservative Pluto could ratchet up the tension with relatives this year. Holding your tongue has never been your specialty, Aries — and you could trade unfriendly fire with a man in your life, given Pluto's position in your masculine 10th house. Fortunately, Venus enters the picture on Friday, helping to smooth ruffled feathers and maybe even rally your conscious guy friends to support the fight for women's rights. If anyone could gather the troops like that, it's you, Aries.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.
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April 20 to May 20

There's a known stress response among women called "tend and befriend." When life brings anxiety — as it has for many since the election — communing with your inner circle and taking care of one another can be the most soothing salve. As the sun slips into your intimate eighth house for a month this Monday, this approach will get you back to a happier place. Set up small gatherings and one-on-ones with the people you cherish most. Talking, crying, hugging, or just blowing off steam with some comic relief — it's all about bonding now. The eighth house is your erotic zone, so it’s time to get back in touch with your passion and desires. Lust and trust are a package deal, though, so delete the shady types from your contact list. You might even tap the brakes on a fast-moving attraction so that you can take the time to get to know each other better in every way.

On Thanksgiving, lean in to your giving spirit. A complex clash between hotheaded Jupiter and vitriolic Pluto could rile up tensions around the table if political views misalign. With Jupiter in your service-oriented sixth house, you may find solace in doing a volunteer shift — also a good excuse for dashing off early. Skipping family celebrations this year? Consider organising a high-vibes gathering of your own, such as a potluck dinner where everyone brings a dish and makes a group donation to Planned Parenthood or The Anti-Defamation League.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.
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May 21 to June 20

Release the doves! On Monday, the sun sails into Sagittarius and your cooperative, committed seventh house for a month. It's time to make a peace offering, Gemini — or at least lay down swords and declare a cease-fire. While you may have your strong opinions, you've always been able to see both sides. You may be the first bridge builder of the post-election world — and oh, how the world could use your objectivity right now. Relationships deepen over the coming four weeks, but you may also have to face certain truths in your love life. Trust in the wisdom of your heart, even if it is leading you down a somewhat unpredictable path!

On Thursday, brace yourself for some romantic distractions — or outright drama. With passionate Jupiter and seductive Pluto trading fire, you could wind up taking everything personally. The green-eyed monster could make an unceremonious appearance, too. Under this intense, one-day transit, your best bet is to go to your corner and cool down in the face of tension. Slipping off for some in-the-moment sexytime could feel like a great escape from tense situations as well. And hey, no harm in that if the coast is clear. But avoid complicated entanglements. The last thing you need, Gemini, is to end 2016 with a scandal in the books.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.
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June 21 to July 22

Your generous spirit takes the wheel this week, as the sun sails into Sagittarius and your sixth house of service until the 21st of December. 'Tis the season, as they say, so in addition to practising random acts of kindness, look for opportunities to volunteer. Whether you're working a shift at a homeless shelter or offering your time on a more regular basis, giving back can restore your sanity in this crazy world. This solar-powered month revs you up for healthier living, too. Inconvenient timing? Yes, but there's no reason you can't tip back a mug of ale after sweating it out in the Spin studio, right? Work will command more attention now, too, so save your annual leave and get those 2016 projects cleared from your plate!

Beware the button-pushing relative on Thursday! Mouthy Jupiter in your family zone will be at odds with acerbic Pluto in your seventh house of justice. If you thought you could have a "friendly discussion" about heated topics, guess again! This cosmic clash can create relationship tensions, too, so perhaps this isn't the best Thanksgiving to visit your S.O.'s red-state relatives or even try to turn the day into a shared thing at all. You'll have your romantic redemption on Friday when amorous Venus and Pluto sync up. The weekend could be full of scintillating surprises, so plan a private getaway or a reunion with an old flame.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.
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July 23 to August 22

Rise, Leo, rise! Your cosmic coronation ceremony begins this Monday as the sun steps into Sagittarius and your regal, romantic fifth house. Step forward as a leader — whether you're creating performance art or spearheading an organisation. Fans and followers will quickly assemble in formation behind you. This is a responsibility, however, so make sure you're guiding people down a righteous path. When you rise from your throne, find your way to some mistletoe. Cupid is for sure in your corner between now and the 21st of December, and an attraction could quickly develop into a real-deal relationship. Already spoken for? Hot topics on the table for the rest of 2016 may include engagements, cohabitation, or even making babies.

On Thursday, Thanksgiving, you may have trouble keeping your opinions to yourself. This may inform your planning, so bear in mind the company you plan to keep. With candid Jupiter lighting up your communication house, you'll have zero inhibitions about speaking your truth. Although there's nothing wrong with a spirited debate, vengeful, hypersensitive Pluto will be at odds with Jupiter that day — and claws could come out, big time. If you are worried that you might draw battle lines with important people in your life, it might be best to come up with alternate plans for your turkey dinner. Or seat yourself strategically next to a relative who shares your views so you can commiserate without riling up a family feud.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.
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August 23 to September 22

Pour yourself a mug of cider and snuggle up with your cat. Domestic bliss is what the stars have in store for you between now and the 21st of December as the sun settles into Sagittarius. Not that you'll be home alone. Château Virgo will be a social scene unto itself. Along with your revolving cast of couch-surfing friends, think about hosting Thanksgiving dinner — or an "orphan's Thanksgiving" — this weekend for friends who didn't get to gather with their families. Ready to make some changes under your roof? Over the coming four weeks, you could land a new roommate, redecorate, or find a more fulfilling location to call home, sweet home.

On Thursday, tension will be in the air thanks to a feisty angle between outspoken Jupiter and sharp-clawed Pluto. You may already be hoarse from debating, crying, and processing emotions. Nevertheless, Thanksgiving 2016 is ripe for tense debates. Summon the muse as a temporary salve. Make playlists of dinner music to permeate the air — or even start a multigenerational dance party. If you're hosting or helping to organise a meal, make a seating chart to keep the Trumpkins and Sandernistas far, far away from each other. And if you need a happy distraction, focus on this: Friday's decadent merger of Venus and Pluto could land you an epic deal on a luxury item — and a game-changing moment in love.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.
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September 23 to October 22

Think globally, act locally! This Monday, the sun swoops into Sagittarius and your third house of hometown happenings. It can be overwhelming to think about all that is happening in the world. So before you blow out your circuits, bring it on back to your own postcode. As the sign of peace and justice, you know how to bring people together in harmonious ways. And don't stop believing that love will save the day, Libra. Find common ground and use your creativity to campaign for a future that you can still believe in. Your neighbours may be eager to hop on board, and one could step up as the perfect partner-in-crime for the mission. With your communication house alight, writing, podcasting, even making thought-provoking memes can also have an impact over the next four weeks.

Thursday is Thanksgiving, and this one could be a little dicey. With outspoken Jupiter in Libra, you're not going to hold your tongue about touchy topics. The trouble is, piercing Pluto in your family zone will clash with Jupiter that day, and emotions could run high. Feelings may also wind up irreparably wounded during this sensitive cosmic alignment. Do you have opposing views to your relatives? Instead of going home for the holidays, consider staying in and creating a gathering of people who nurture your soul and see eye to eye with you. It's not that you can't handle a debate, but you'll probably be too raw to deal on Thursday. Consider visiting over the weekend for leftovers or a second gathering when the tension has died down.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.
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October 23 to November 21

She who stands for nothing falls for everything. With the sun moving into Sagittarius and your second house of values for a month, you won't be staying mum on much. But how well informed are you? This grounded solar cycle may be best used for educating yourself on the issues or learning about how to use your civic rights to lobby or make change. It's time to get back down to mundane matters, too, like balancing your budget and finishing all those 2016 assignments at work. Sadly, birthday season is now behind you, but the good news is you'll start being more productive again.

Shield your field, as they say, on Thanksgiving. Your ruler, piercing Pluto, will clash with domineering Jupiter that day, which could rile up some epic debates. The trouble is, no one will be above the low blow, and the political could get personal very fast. If you're going to be breaking bread with challenging relatives, do some advance preparation. Start with yoga and meditation — or an intense cardio workout — and come armed with polite conversation-stoppers like, "Thank you for sharing that, and I'd be happy to discuss. But since it's Thanksgiving, can we table this topic until another time?"

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.

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