Change is in the air — and it's coming fast and furious! That's because August is eclipse season, a transformational time that delivers an extra shot of moonbeam magic. First up is the lunar (full moon) eclipse in Aquarius on the 7th, which throws the spotlight on community and technology. You could find your soul squad, but in the process, leave a group that you're no longer jiving with. How secure are your devices and your data? Take extra precautions, like changing to a strong password and switching your server to a VPN. Another reason for this? Mercury falls into a signal-scrambling retrograde from 12th August to 5th September, which can cause information to get into the wrong hands if you're not careful. Wishful thinking, perhaps, but given that Aquarius rules politics, this eclipse could expose even more evidence related to those Russia investigations.
The solar (new moon) eclipse, on 21st August, will be major! Astrologically, this eclipse is the perfect time to promote your talents, find true love, or debut an over-the-top style that slays. Trending this fall: eclipse goggles? Ya never do know.

23rd July to 22nd August
Happy birth month to you! It's officially Leo season as the sun beams in your sign until 22nd August. Since the cosmic red carpet is rolling out on your behalf, why not debut a more maximalist style as you sashay down? This head-turning cycle is perfect for gaining name recognition or nudging your work into the public eye. And while celebrations will be plentiful, you could be equally obsessed with one of your passion projects, thanks to make-it-happen Mars spending the whole month in Leo. The energiser planet only visits your sign every other year. Capitalise on its supportive beams and get those developments in motion! The 21st could be one of the most incredible days of 2017 for you, thanks to the solar eclipse, which lands in Leo. Like a rocket-fuelled launch pad, this eclipse sets your dreams into motion. Since this eclipse comes with a new moon, it's a day for fresh beginnings and planting seeds. Circle 31st January 2018, as your manifestation date, when the lunar (full moon) eclipse in Leo brings it all to fruition.
Love could feel a bit heavier for you this month as Venus slogs through your emotional 12th house. Have you been making too many sacrifices for the one you adore? Put up better boundaries and say "no" to requests when you're feeling exhausted. Maybe it's time to ask for what you need, too, instead of being the fierce jungle queen who handles it all by herself. The lunar eclipse on August 7 lights up your relationship house, a day where you may be forced to find a better balance with bae. Single Leos could find your perfect complement near the 7th — for business or pleasure — who can pick up where you leave off.
Be mindful of your money, o' luxury-loving Lioness. From 12th - 31st August, savvy Mercury is snoozing (read: retrograde) in your finance zone, which could cause selective amnesia about bills in the face of a tempting fall fashion splurge. A colleague from your past could have a profitable opportunity for you. Surf LinkedIn and see what your old coworkers are up to. If you're happy at your 9-5, don't coast. Diligence is required in August's second half — and your efforts will not go unnoticed.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
23rd August to 22nd September
Are you over it yet, Virgo? August is your month for cleaning house — and you might just need the industrial strength supplies. Literally, Virgo, you could be scrubbing forgotten corners, hauling bags to Buffalo Exchange, and doing some major pruning of social media "friends" who you basically never talk to. The lunar eclipse on the 7th could send you on a serious organising spree. Letting go will be such a relief. And once you do, embrace the minimalist ethos. Sitting with a blank space allows new thoughts to flow in. New people, too! You could connect to an amazing mentor and a high-vibe tribe during this soulful month, especially near the solar eclipse on the 21st. The divine downloads come flowing in near this eclipse. Start a meditation practice or an art project.
Birthday season begins on the 22nd when the sun beams into Virgo for a month! You'll be back in your element and ready to initiate new projects and developments. Bring on the progress — but be ultra-thoughtful about your every move. From 12th August to the 31st, mindful Mercury will be retrograde (backwards) in your sign. All the glitters will not be gold, so research everything thoroughly before getting involved. Retrogrades rule the past, so you could pick up the reins on a sidelined project and take it to the finish line — with a flourish!
With amorous Venus chilling in your laid-back 11th house all month, August might not bring a million fireworks. But it will bring many opportunities for bonding with bae and enjoying the fun loving friendship within your relationship. Single? Fire up the dating apps and test the waters with different types. Variety is the spice of life. You could also meet your match through a group hang — and when you least expect it. Good reason to pull yourself out of the hammock and mingle!
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
23rd September to 22nd October
Change that plus-one to a plus-three...or maybe five. In August, you'll perfect the art of the group hang. Until the 22nd, the sun and energiser Mars co-pilot through Leo and your 11th house of teamwork and technology. Collaborative ventures will thrive, so if you haven't found them yet, start drafting for your dream team. You could even find a few people virtually via Facebook groups or other forums where great minds converge. Or, get more involved in a shared activity that will energise you, like a fitness class, team sport, or a business ignition group. The solar eclipse on the 21st will launch the Libra squad into a new league or kickstart a joint venture that develops into something huge and exciting by the corresponding lunar eclipse next January 31.
Ready to upgrade your devices or just add more savvy technology to your life? Yes, there is an app for that, Libra. Handle all things gadget-related before the 12th when Mercury slips into a signal-jamming retrograde until 5th September — never the best time for purchasing gear. Change to a stronger password and take down the tipsy tweets that could be mistaken for a drag. You never know who will be googling your name this month and you want to represent in the most pro-level way. With charming Venus in your career zone all month, putting a polished foot forward could give you the edge in all things business. Some Libras could even blur the line between work and romance, giving a coworker crush a go or starting a side hustle with your S.O.
Keep your passport handy — and your camping gear, too. On the 7th, a lunar eclipse in your worldly, adventurous ninth house could bring a spontaneous getaway, one that's too delicious to refuse. A cross-cultural connection could be cemented near this eclipse, too, one that's been building over the past six months. This eclipse could even bring a major moment of truth for some Libras. Make sure you mean what you say, though, because once you utter those words, there's no taking them back.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
23rd October to 21st November
Suit up, Scorpio! It may still be summertime, but August is a power month for your career. With the sun and go-getter Mars lumbering through Leo and your ambitious 10th house, you are poised for a giant leap up the ladder. Sure, you may have to pull a few work-from-beach days. (Just mute during the conference call.) The efforts you make could already launch you into a new league by the 21st when an electrifying solar eclipse brings a giant push for progress. Change can be scary, but stop resisting! What you don't know, you'll learn on the job. Hiring a coach could be money well spent — it can hurt to have someone who'll hold you accountable and steady your confidence as you step into uncharted territory.
Who will be the Jada Pinkett Smith to your Regina Hall? The 7th August lunar eclipse in your house of female friends puts the ladies in the spotlight. You might even slip off for your own girls' trip near this lunation — especially since feminine Venus spends all month in your travel sector. This eclipse can cement your place in a circle of women. Let the bonding begin! Did you lose touch with your girl squad — or another group of people who once played a key role in your life? With Mercury turning retrograde in your teamwork and tech sector from 12th August to 5th September, a reunion could be in order. It might just be a nostalgic moment...but maybe not. When Virgo season begins on the 22nd, synergies could spark a sequel collab. Warning: This Mercury retrograde can be especially hard on your digital gear. Take precautionary measures with a password-protected lock screen, hard-shelled case, and by backing your important data up to a secure server.
When it comes to love, you'll be more free-flowing this August, thanks to Venus' tour through your adventurous, indie-spirited ninth house. A vacation romance could bring some thrills — and might even turn into a long-distance thing. (Please don't force it though.) Love could spark up with a cutie from a different culture. Keep an open mind. Coupled Scorpios, if you find yourself squabbling during Mercury retrograde, slip off for a baecation in the second half of the month. Keep plans simple, though — a beachy hotel with full amenities might be better for repairing rifts than a laborious road trip to Burning Man.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
22nd November to 21st December
Wanderlust: activated. With the sun and motivator Mars bonding in Leo and your travel zone this August, you're in true Sagittarius form. Whether you're collecting passport stamps or festival wristbands (or both), some planet-hopping is just what the cosmos ordered. As the Zodiac's eternal student, you could weave an educational or spiritual component into the journey. Look into overseas seminars or yoga retreats. No matter your GPS coordinates, August is a month for multicultural mingling. Sagittarians are known for having friends from all walks of life. And you're always expanding. The 7th August lunar eclipse lights up your house of friendship — a stellar day for bringing people together or finding your soul squad. How about hosting a summer barbecue or an intersectional feminist book club?
Your entrepreneurial streak is activated all month, thanks to go-getter Mars. Got an idea for a business, a book, or an independent project you want to pitch to your boss? Get to work on that proposal — you could get an enthusiastic green light near the solar eclipse on the 21st. With expressive Mercury powering through your professional sector all month, you can position yourself as an up-and-comer or a serious influencer. But make sure your game is tight, because Mercury will also pivot into a fuzzy retrograde from 12th August to 5th September, leaving very little (if any) wiggle room for carelessness and mistakes. Retrogrades rule the past and a former colleague could present you with an opportunity that's too good to refuse, especially after the 22nd when the sun moves into your career zone for a month.
While you're generally in live-out-loud Archer form this month, love is one area where you'll want to keep a firm privacy policy in place. With amorous Venus slinking through Cancer and your house of seduction and secrets, what happens behind closed doors should stay there. It's kind of a shame, because there will be some juicy tales to tell. But establishing trust means keeping it hush-hush...at least for the time being. Coupled Archers could feel an urgency to make things more exclusive. Deep breaths — even if it is time to take that step, you don't want to come across as anxious or pushy. Instead, paint a picture of the beautiful future you'd like to co-create. Anyone worth keeping will find this vision irresistible.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
22nd December to 19th January
Summer seduction — let's go! With the sun and passion planet Mars tangled up in your erotic eighth house, August will bring some serious sexual healing. But no need to report every detail to the girl squad. Treasure this as your little secret for a while (at least certain parts of the relationship). Don't know anyone who meets your criteria for a lover? The solar eclipse on the 21st could deliver a sweet surprise. Meow! Coupled Capricorns won't mind rolling in the even deeper deep. Before the month is through, you could be planning a major next step together like meeting the parents, moving into a cohabitation station, or even tying the knot. Bonus: Love planet Venus hovers in Cancer and your commitment zone, increasing your urge to merge — but also adding more deliciously romantic vibes to the process.
Keep your mind on your money, too! With the sun and Mars in your eighth house, you could make some serious bank. But you don't necessarily have to earn it the traditional way. Cash could flow in from a product you develop, the sale of goods and property, or a large commission check, especially near the solar eclipse on the 21st. That said, your 9-5 gig could also develop into something more profitable near the lunar eclipse on the 7th. Stay polished and pro-level, even when you're hanging at the beach or working out. You never know where that de facto pitch meeting will take place this month.
Distant lands will call you name as messenger Mercury trails through Virgo and your worldly ninth house. After the 22nd, the sun will also beam in Virgo for a month, encouraging you to wrap the summer with an epic getaway. One catch: Mercury will fall back into a signal-muddling retrograde from August 12 to September 5. Consider returning to a favourite destination instead of exploring any, uh, "adventurous" new terrain. At the very least, book with reputable firms and read those Trip Advisor reviews! Saving a buck isn't always worth it.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
20th January to 18th February
Silly humans... (Aquarius rolls eyes). Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em. So, if you have to choose, Aquarius, August is the month to just embrace the whole relationship thing full-on. With the sun and passionate Mars co-piloting through your partnership sector, there's no resisting the urge to merge. The key? Finding someone who will accept your quirks and independent spirit — without trying to change you or tame you. Oh, and they have to come with their own fascinating credentials, too. Why settle, right? At times, this might feel like hunting for unicorns, but let us assure you: Every pot has a lid. The solar eclipse on the 21st could illuminate your missing puzzle piece for business, pleasure, or another purpose. Surprise! They may have been staring you in the face all along. Head's up: With Mercury turning retrograde in your seductive eighth house from 12th August to 31st August, a paramour from your past could return to tempt you. But there may be something shady going on here. Dig around and make sure — and don't invite trouble back into your life! Watch your jealous streak during Mercury's backspin. You're prone to overreacting, whether single or spoken for.
Already attached? August is the month to work out the kinks in your relationship — and yes, that pun is intended. Besides hashing out those conflicts in a high-minded way, you could be breaking out the fetish wear or enjoying some sexy role-playing. Ready to put a more permanent stamp on your union? The eclipse on the 21st could bring a life-changing conversation about moving in together, getting engaged or otherwise cementing your status as a couple.
One day that's completely and utterly all about you, though, will be 7th August. A rare lunar eclipse arrives with 2017's only full moon in Aquarius, shuttling you into the spotlight. Your dreams, talents, and personal aspirations will be impossible to ignore. This is the perfect day to debut your hard work of the past six months or take the leap with an edgy new style. Is it time for the big chop, Aquarius? If anyone can pull it off, it's you.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
19th February to 20th March
To your health, Pisces! With the sun and vital Mars cruising through Leo and your wellness zone, August is a month for self-care. Swap in some smoothies with those rosé slushies and renew your pool pass for lap swims. You won't need a trainer to motivate you now, but you could wind up being the de facto coach for your sluggish squad. Instead of happy hour, you'll rally everyone for yoga in the park (and maybe drinks after?). Work will be incredibly busy this August, too — good reason to keep your energy levels peaking with at least a few nights of restorative sleep. If you're looking for more gainful employment, the solar eclipse on the 21st could bring word of an opportunity. Have your résumé and all public profiles polished up to a high pro glow. Even if you don't switch jobs, you could move up the ranks at your current 9-5. Touch base with HR to see what positions might be opening up. It never hurts to ask.
Ready to let go of some baggage? The lunar eclipse on the 7th helps you release. If you've known for a while that you were done with a situation, you'll finally have the courage to step away for good. This might be a bittersweet farewell or a truly welcome one. Expect lots of feels, but know with certainty that a brighter future awaits once you hit that exit ramp — and don't look back!
Cupid will be a frequent visitor throughout August as love planet Venus lingers in Cancer your fifth house of true love all month. Pump up the passion level with glamorous dress-up dates (and PDA), lavish dinners, and sexy photos. (Just make sure you are sending to your lover and not Dad...ugh!!!) Brace yourself: An old flame could resurface after the 12th, when Mercury turns retrograde in your relationship house for three weeks. Coupled Pisces could hit a speed bump. Sorry, Fish, you won't be able to bury that issue 10,000 leagues beneath the sea any longer. Dredge it up and deal. Creative compromises will emerge but that means you'll have to listen and assert your own desires — something your generous sign often forgets to do before resentment kicks in.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
21st March to 19th April
Say it with flower prints, emoji, and a shameless stream of selfies. With the sun and your ruling planet, passionate Mars, sharing a flight path through theatrical Leo, August will be a hella sparkly month. Romantic, too! Glamorous vacations, climbing up the fire escape to watch the stars (and, uh, other things) from your building's rooftop, getting engaged — yup, August is that kind of a month. If you can't reboot a current affair, keep it moving, Aries. There will be no shortage of interested parties — and the Leo solar eclipse on the 21st could spark an incredible new chapter in your love life. Coupled Rams will enjoy collaborating creatively, whether you're remodelling an old house, making music...even a baby!
Your popularity is on the rise, platonically speaking, thanks to the lunar (full moon) eclipse on the 7th, which lands in your teamwork and tech sector. Become more of a presence at group hangs, community meetups, and on social media. As the saying goes — it's all about who you know. Expand your social circle to include more thought leaders, activists, and unapologetic innovators. The eclipse on the 21st could also catapult you to a new level of recognition. Spend the first half of the month preparing for your big reveal!
Although the Leo influence activates your wild child instincts, you'll have to keep one hoof planted on solid ground. From August 12 on, messenger Mercury will be retrograde in Virgo and your sixth house of work and healthy routines, joined by the Virgo sun after the 22nd. Staying on top of life will require diligence and scheduling — and don't try to squeeze too many activities into one day! With nurturing Venus in Cancer all month, make sure Chateau Ram feels like a cozy oasis. You'll need a place to retreat to after all your limelight time. Plus, you could be entertaining regularly from dinner parties with your GFs to overnight visits with a romantic guest star. Coupled Aries: August could be the month to hunt for your cohabitation station.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
20th April to 20th May
Oh there you are, Taurus, chilling in the hammock...and wait, now you're redecorating your entire apartment? Yup. Home is where your heart is this August as the Leo sun simmers in your domestic zone until the 22nd. With motivator Mars here, too, you'll be keen to tackle some fixer-upper hacks like merging your décor with your storage solutions. Chateau Toro could be the hub of entertainment for your squad. Keep the spare linens fresh, because old friends and family could be popping by for visits at a moment's notice. Ready for a change of address? The Leo solar eclipse on the 21st could speed up the process — and you may be renting a U-Haul before the month is through. Love where you live? The eclipse could bring a new roommate or connect you to a ride-or-die squad of female friends who fully have your back.
Career-wise, the 7th will be major! A lunar eclipse in Aquarius and your ambitious 10th house brings your hard work of the past six months to a stunning milestone. Have your LinkedIn and résumé on point before then, because you could be tapped for a killer job opportunity or promoted at your current 9-5.
True romance heats up after the 22nd as the sun heads into Virgo and your glamorous, amorous fifth house. You'll be quite the head-turner, Taurus, and this star-powered cycle inspires you to dress up and hit the summer soiree circuit. (You never know who you'll meet there.) With Mercury retrograde in your romance zone from 12th August to 5th September, make sure an ex doesn't run interference. They don't want you for themselves — but they don't want you to have anyone else? That's not cool, so detach and distance yourself from that drama. Coupled Bulls could get baby-making plans in motion during this fertile phase or give birth to a new chapter like moving in together or getting engaged.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
21st May to 20th June
Twinning time! In August, the sun dances with passionate Mars in Leo and your third house of partnerships. Although you have a zillion acquaintances, it's not every day that you meet people who light your creative fires. This month, you could collect a small squad of kindred spirits — a partner for every purpose, from festival hopping to songwriting to sharing rides to work. An official collab could be cemented by the solar eclipse on the 21st. Go forth and co-create! Looking for your tribe? The local scene is percolating with promise all month, so get involved. Or, start scouting a neighbourhood that feels like you and become a regular there. You might even join forces with a nearby venue to host a weekly trivia night or become a member of your building association — which could make real your dreams of lovely landscaping in the courtyard...or maybe a unicorn fountain in the lobby. You'll be extra expressive while the sun lingers in Leo until the 22nd, but curate your words with care. Mars can add too much oomph and you don't want to leave people feeling strong-armed or pressured.
Need an end-of-summer getaway? The lunar eclipse on the 9th lands in Aquarius and your travel sector. This one could launch you farther from home base than expected so dig up your passport in advance preparation. But do coordinate with people back at base before you just bounce. Messenger Mercury spends the month in your family-focused (and super sensitive) fourth house, pivoting retrograde for three weeks on the 12th. You don't want to leave a loved one in the lurch as you set off on a fantastic voyage.
Romantically, August's vibe is steady as Venus slow jams in your second house of security all month. Give the gentle souls and hottie-next-door types a chance to win your heart. What bored you in July could be sweet relief in August. And when Virgo season begins on the 22nd, coupled Geminis could start shopping for a love nest — or begin picking out baby names. It's going to be that cosy.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
21st June to 22nd July
Ready that résumé, Cancer, and get your LinkedIn profile on fleek. Employers will be googling your name this August as the sun and make-it-happen Mars power through your income zone. Be proactive! Dress up and attend the evening networking events, circulate at the office happy hours, and hang around a little later to help out your boss. Sure, you may have to sacrifice some nesting time, but that Gilmore Girls marathon is not going to pay the electric bill. A more gainful opportunity could pop up near the solar eclipse on 21st August. Take it on, even if there's a learning curve. You'll see major results by the corresponding Leo lunar eclipse next 31st January.
All work and no play is not the prescription for August, however. With pleasure-seeking Venus in Cancer all month, your downtime is sure to be decadent. Make a budget for indulgences: weekend trips, spa pedicures, lash extensions, and a few summer-into-fall dresses. With Venus in your sign, "when you look good, you feel good" is the rule of thumb. All that radiant energy is sure to attract some admirers. And on the 7th, a seductive lunar eclipse could take a relationship from simmer to boil. Coupled Cancers could plunge into a deeper commitment — or call it quits if you've known for a while that things haven't been great.
That said, this isn't the month to rush in or out of anything. With Mercury turning retrograde from 12th August to 5th September (and in your third house of communication, no less), misunderstandings could easily snowball. Instead of shutting down, seek to understand. Creative compromises can be reached if both parties are willing to listen. P.S.: Resolving things could take a few conversations, so be patient.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.Related Video
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