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Your Horoscope This Week


Time out from the head games! After four dizzying — but fantastically flirty — weeks, love planet Venus is leaving Gemini and sweeping into sentimental Cancer until August 26. At this point, you probably don't even remember half the people whose names you (drunkenly) plugged into your phone. C'est la vie. But now, we shift our attention from quantity to quality. With Venus in Cancer, we can't be bothered with people who don't have at least a glimmer of long-term potential. That's true for love, friendship, and even work relationships. Fortify bonds with your soul squad — or start the search for your tribe. Investing in quality connections will pay dividends over time.

The workweek wraps on a somewhat choppy note, thanks to Friday's crazy clash (a 90-degree angle called a square) between uninhibited Jupiter and undercover Pluto. What info to tweet from the rooftops and what to keep locked in the vault? That won't be the easiest judgment call to make, so err on the side of caution. Unless you're sure it's safe to spill, don't say a word. Power struggles could break out and there could be a clash of egos, even some bullying. This is the final Jupiter-Pluto square in a series that began in 2016. Don't back down from what you know you deserve — there's nothing wrong with being competitive, but keep it honorable and play a fair game.

July 23 to August 22

Fantasy or reality? Ah, who cares? This Monday, Venus drifts into your dreamy, esoteric 12th house until August 26, dropping a gauzy filter over your world. Although planets continue to pulse through Leo and pump you up for action (the sun and motivator Mars especially), this Venus cycle graces you with softer, sweeter charm — the kind that's impossible to say "no" to. Plus, your creativity will be off the chains for the coming four weeks. Leave lots of white space on your calendar so you can connect with the muse and work on your piece de resistance. In love, however, try not to let go of the reins completely. While it's fun to be swept away, that undercurrent could pull you into murky waters if you fall for someone's slick sales pitch...only to discover they aren't who they claim to be.

Near the weekend, outspoken Jupiter clashes with secretive, vengeful Pluto, flashing a code orange blurt alert. Anything you text, tweet, or talk about can (and very well may) be used against you. Even if you're fired up enough to give zero fucks, make sure you're not spreading "fake news." Have you done thorough research from credible sources and backed it all up with facts? Check again, Leo. (And again.) Under the clashing cosmos, you could mindlessly expose someone's private business in a casual conversation, forgetting that you were sworn to secrecy. Be vigilant with your word and think before you speak. "Oops!" cannot erase the damage once it's done.

Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.

August 23 to September 22

Stop claiming that you're not a "joiner," Virgo. With affable Venus cruising through your communal 11th house from Monday until August 26, the more is absolutely the merrier. Wanted (and needed): friends who can make you laugh until your stomach hurts. It's okay to bond over favourite bands, beers, and bikini waxes...and leave the heavier topics for some other, less summery, time. This Venus cycle brings more levity to your love life, too. The 11th house is the tech sector and you could find love on the dating apps — or just throw caution to the wind and meet a Tinder match on holiday like this woman. Attached Virgos: "What do you want to do today?" will be a far more interesting question than, "What does the future hold for us?" This experimental cycle could bring some fun and games in the bedroom, too. Put a flutter ring on it!

Near the weekend, retail therapy could lead you down a pricey path. Before you insert your chip card into any reader, put that item on hold for an hour. Have you done adequate research to make sure this is truly the best value you can find? And do you actually need it, Virgo, or will it soon become another object gathering dust in your wardrobe? Same holds true with the people you meet in the second half of the week (particularly Friday). Charming and witty though they may be, are they actually ones who can go the distance? Taming your immediate urges could be challenging as impetuous Jupiter clashes with "see it, want it" Pluto. Get thee to a new environment and revive your common sense. If you're still like, "yessssss" an hour (or better yet, a day) later, return and make it yours.

Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.

September 23 to October 22

Industry insider or maybe influencer...Mmm, kinda has a ring to it, yeah? This Monday, gracious Venus (your ruling planet) ascends to the top of your chart, cruising through Cancer and your career sector until August 26. Forget the random bar crawls and gauche foam parties. The rest of the summer requires strategic socialising. Hit the evening networking circuit and get your name on some see-and-be-seen lists. (The Hamptons White Party, anyone?) Someone you meet in a social setting could hold the keys to a profitable opportunity. Nurture the relationship organically so you don't come across as thirsty. Thoughtful touches, like picking up the lunch tab or sending a hand-written card after a great meeting, will keep you in good graces. An office romance could heat up now or you could start a side hustle with your S.O.

On Friday, live-out-loud Jupiter — who is currently on tour through Libra and your independent first house — clashes with manipulative Pluto in your family zone. A close friend could lay a heavy guilt trip on you, or you could discover that something shady has been going on with a relative. As jarring as this may be, don't get sucked in to solving their problems! Distancing yourself is the best option with all the intense energy flying around. If you must push back, be firm about your boundaries and stick to your "no." Though it's in your nature to harmonise and compromise, a firm stance is the only way to keep the bullies at bay this weekend.

Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.

October 23 to November 21

Te amo, je t'aime...You may soon be saying "I love you" in a new language, Scorpio. This Monday, romantic Venus sweeps into Cancer and your worldly ninth house until August 26. Cross-cultural crushes heat up and so do holiday romances. And while it would be nice if they turned into something "real," circumstances don't always favour that. After all, you're not huge on pining for a long-distance lover. But don't miss the chance for some, uh, foreign exchanges just because it probably won't last longer than a week. This could be a spicy chapter for your future memoir, after all. In an LTR? Break out the matching luggage (or camping gear) and get on the road. Exploring the planet together is the perfect way to strengthen your bond. Just don't be too spontaneous about it if you're travelling after August 12, because Mercury will be retrograde for three weeks then.

Near the weekend, don't believe everything that you read! (Or hear via the grapevine or even your friend network.) Independent research is required as your ruler, detail-obsessed Pluto, clashes with hasty Jupiter. Even if it was an innocent mistake, someone you adore may have downloaded some misinformation — and is getting everyone all worked up about it, too. Find out for yourself what's fact and what's fiction, Scorpio. You may have to be the coolheaded person in the group. And if the rumours are indeed true, that's not a cue to exact revenge. As Gandhi said, "An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind."

Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.

November 22 to December 21

Is it gonna be forever, Sagittarius? The answer may very well be "yes" starting Monday, when love planet Venus plunges into Cancer and your playing-for-keeps eighth house. Until August 26, you're going to need more obvious confirmations of loyalty and devotion from anyone who shares your bed. The excuses are tired: "I'm just not sure where my life is heading." "I need a little more time to heal from my last relationship." Please! If they aren't ready now, then they've disqualified themselves from the list. During this Venus cycle, a Sagittarius waits for no one. If you've found a keeper, diplomatic Venus helps you negotiate a better way to share resources — financial, physical, and emotional. Fair is fair, but you don't have to divide everything down the middle. And get ready for four weeks of mind-blowing sex...and even a proposal during pillow talk!

Near the weekend, your normally open-minded sign may not be able to withhold judgment on a certain situation. Some things are just wrong in your eyes, and that's when your outspoken side takes the wheel. With ruling planet Jupiter in your 11th house of activism clashing with old guard Pluto this Friday, you could spend part of your weekend at a protest or canvassing for an important cause. There's strength in numbers, Archer, so don't go into the fray alone, especially if you're defending a cause that affects you personally. We all get by with a little help from our friends and allies.

Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.

December 22 to January 19

It's true, Capricorn: You don't technically "need" anyone to be happy. But it might be nice to partner up here and there, no? This Monday, as amorous Venus sweeps into Cancer and your relationship house until August 26, don't be surprised if you feel a stronger urge to merge. Or maybe rebalance the load in your existing unions? Your sign is the classic provider type and you often feel more comfortable in role of the giver. But for the next four weeks, hone the fine art of receiving. Don't expect people to read your mind, though. You have to spell it out for them and make requests. Don't worry, Capricorn, you'll get the hang of it. Practice makes perfect and a casual dating situation could get a lot more serious before August is through.

Watch out for power struggles near the weekend as generous Jupiter clashes with control freak Pluto. While you're happy to be transparent about everything you're working on, not everyone can be trusted with your trade secrets. Keep your plans and progress on the DL, Capricorn — at least until you've actually got something tangible to show. Someone at work may be secretly attempting to undermine you and steal your spot. On the other hand, it may be you who needs a serving of humble pie. You know you could do a better job than a colleague, but instead of critiquing their leadership style, how about empowering them with support? Be a team player and everyone will win.

Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.

January 20 to February 18

Ready to restore your radiance, Aquarius? Starting Monday, decadent Venus decamps to Cancer and your sixth house of healthy living. Ignite your inner pilot light with fresh food (the world of avocado toast awaits!) and al fresco workouts. (Standup paddleboard yoga, anyone?) You may even dial down to a more natural beauty routine: A swath of lip gloss and a one-minute updo will look super cute on you. Venus is the planet of amour and you could meet your future someone on the outdoor track or while waiting in line for your cold-pressed juice. Coupled Aquarians, get those buddy workouts in with bae — the sexy rush of endorphins bring obvious fringe benefits to your bedroom game.

On Friday — and throughout the weekend — some calming breaths will be necessary as you wait for someone else to make a decision that affects you. The question is, have you been fully honest about what you want from the situation? Don't pretend to be cool if you're honestly freaking out inside. Better you should get your concerns on the table so they can be dealt with and addressed. But if you've already vocalised your desires, don't anxiously apply more pressure. Give them the space to rise to the occasion. And if they don't, that's quality information to have. Next week you might be wise to explore replacements.

Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.

February 19 to March 20

Your summer love forecast gets another blast of heat this week as Venus shimmies into Cancer and your fiercely passionate fifth house until August 26. Ready those date night outfits and refresh your lingerie drawer. Your sex appeal rises off the charts during this four-week cycle. But make sure you're dressing for your pleasure, not someone else's gaze. There nothing more alluring than authenticity. While your dance card will be full, don't get too hung up on turning every contender into your happily-ever-after. A spicy hookup can be just as fulfilling as putting a ring on it. That said, if you're ready to take a walk down the aisle or maybe start picking out baby names, you could be cementing your union in a serious way before the summer is through.

On Friday, set your status to "Away." If you don't, friends may start calling you for (unpaid) counselling or to mediate for their feuds. Yeah, Pisces, you're insanely good at giving advice and playing peacekeeper. But that's a heavy cross to bear! Think twice before getting sucked in. Situations like these can drain your reserves and complicate your life. Devote your weekend to one or two special souls — and don't feel obligated to invite your squad along for a group hang. They'll just interfere with the intimate vibes you're trying to create.

Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.

March 21 to April 19

Feather your nest, Aries — and consider turning it into a love den. This Monday, romantic Venus cosies into Cancer and your domestic zone until August 26. During this sentimental cycle, you could meet someone worthy of a spare key or even an entire drawer. Already been dating for a while? Talks could turn to cohabitation — and you might just make the leap towards a co-signed lease. Not there at the moment? Venus is the astro-aesthete, so just get your space up to Aries decor code (read: bold, splashy and worthy of a photo shoot on a style blog). Venus in Cancer could also herald the arrival of an amazing female roomie to live it up in your bachelorette pad.

Getting on the same page about a long-term goal could be an exercise in frustration near the weekend, thanks to Friday's clash between high-roller Jupiter and manipulative Pluto. But how far will you go to get your way, Aries? Strong-arming someone you love or storming out of the room (and provoking their abandonment issues) isn't playing fair. You might need to put this topic on ice until next week — in the name of keeping it "all love."

Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.

April 20 to May 20

Start flexing your swiping fingers — or playing around with a few new dating apps if Tinder has grown tiresome for you. This Monday, Venus the cosmic coquette sweeps into Cancer and your flirty, experimental third house until August 26. Everything love-related feels lighter again, so why not take a chance on romance? No, you won't find relationship material every time you meet for drinks, but enjoying Cupid's sampler platter will help you discover new flavours you enjoy. Under these saucy skies, you could master the art of the flirty text, no emojis required. Already taken? Fill your August calendar with cultural events, road trips, and hangouts with your shared friend group. Socialising as a pair will strengthen your bond.

Keep your guard up near the weekend, though! On Friday, a tangled angle between wide-eyed Jupiter and shady Pluto could make you a tad gullible. All that glitters ain't gold, Taurus. Tap the brakes if a salesperson speeds you to the checkout line before you've had a moment to think, "Do I actually need this?" Beware the Svengali syndrome, too. Just because people speak with confidence doesn't mean they are actually dropping knowledge. Before you become a devotee, do some independent research. Enlisting teachers and coaches can be helpful, but at the end of the day, it's best to be your own guru.

Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.

May 21 to June 20

Light the candles and download the slow jams. After four weeks of blessing your sign, amorous Venus moves on to Cancer and your sensual second house until August 26. While you may have enjoyed July's extended fireworks show, all that attention (and, yes, drama) is starting to exhaust you. For the next four weeks, you could surprise yourself — was that actually you, Gemini, who suggested settling down? A more traditional approach to dating and relationships could be your jam as summer winds down. Coupled Geminis may have some financial issues to sort out together in August. Get on the same page about spending, saving, and who covers what bill.

Keep your guard up near the weekend, Gemini. You're just sharing your latest triumphs, thinking your close friends and relatives will be happy for you. But, with sneaky Pluto throwing shade at live-out-loud Jupiter, this could provoke jealousy in an insecure person. You don't have to downplay your talents or success. But if you want to revel in the joy this weekend, it might be more fun to do that with people who have their own victories to brag about, too. As for the hater? Perhaps one of your empowering pep talks will pull them out of that funk.

Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.

June 21 to July 22

Practise your on-camera poses, Cancer. You'll be the subject of many a selfie — and very possibly a style blogger's snaps — over the coming four weeks. From Monday until August 26, radiant Venus rolls through your sign. The planet of beauty and love visits Cancer once each year, blessing you with extra sparkle and appeal. As next season's styles start filling up the racks, have fun devising an even more head-turning look to debut this fall. Romantically, you'll feel "lusciously independent." Attracting people will not be hard, but you'll treasure your personal space too much to share it with any old rando. Even coupled Cancers could need a little more autonomy. You know, absence, fonder hearts...

Near the weekend, you might feel like you're living on a totally different planet than the rest of your inner circle. A tense shakedown between candid Jupiter and control freak Pluto could reveal very different ways of viewing a situation. It will be hard to hide your disappointment — especially with family — but trying to get your point across to them could be as ineffective as shouting into the wind. If the dialogue gets heated, put the tricky topic on ice until next week when people (including you) will be more willing to budge. In the meanwhile, work hard at not taking it personally!

Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.

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