People: Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em. Despite all the stupid human tricks they play, try extending the benefit of the doubt to the homo sapiens you have to deal with this week. On Tuesday, big-hearted Jupiter and enchanting Venus dance together in a flowing formation. Were you a little too quick to write someone off? Did frustration get the best of you? This compassionate cosmic combo can help you look at things through a kinder, gentler lens. But if certain people have used up all their passes, don't stretch yourself trying to make it work. This expansive alignment can bring better options your way. Life is too short to settle for mediocrity!
On Thursday, a royal processional begins in the skies as make-it-happen Mars sails into Leo (for the first time since 2015) until September 5. Then, on Saturday, the sun also joins the Lion's den, officially kicking off Leo season until August 22. Under these passionate skies, ask yourself this: What do I want to be the queen of before 2017 is through? Leo is the sign of leadership, romance and creative self-expression. We all have a wheelhouse — that place where we just shine. This is the summer to play up those strengths. Not sure where your true north lies? Begin the search on Sunday with the first of two consecutive new moons in Leo. Job shadow people you admire or sign up for a session with a career coach or an ignition group. A willingness to break out of your comfort zone could launch you onto a passionate path by the Leo solar eclipse on August 21!

June 21 to July 22
Dive into the emotion ocean, Cancer. No life vest required — you're already a skilled swimmer in these seas. This week, your finely-tuned sensitivity to feelings will literally make you Wonder Woman to your squad. With peacekeeper Venus and broad-minded Jupiter in a flowing formation, you'll be able to radar in on people's hidden desires — and help them 'fess up to what they actually need and want. If people's words don't match their tone or body language, consider it a red flag. Pull them aside for a private chat and create a comfortable space for honest conversation. You'll both feel better once everything is aired and out in the open. A female mentor could also come to your aid this week, helping you solve a puzzling situation. Reach up to a woman who has "been there, done that" for her sage wisdom.
Money matters take precedence on Thursday when go-getter Mars leaves Cancer (for the first time since June 6) and moves on to Leo and your income zone until September 5. It's been a whirlwind hosting Mars in your sign, but a phase that was much better for creativity than productivity. Now, you can finally roll up your sleeves and start beta testing all those brilliant gems you dreamed up over the past seven weeks. Better yet, the brilliant sun blazes into Leo for a month starting Saturday, followed by a Leo new moon on Sunday. This weekend is sure to illuminate new sources of revenue, like funders for a project or a 9-5 gig that's perfect for your skill set. Polish up your LinkedIn profile and have your CV ready, even if you're just showing it to HR for an internal promotion. Need to build your skills? Do what you can to break into the industry. You might start by making coffee runs, but you'll quickly work your way up the chain of command.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
July 23 to August 22
Break out of the clique, Leo, and broaden your social horizons. Early this week, as charming Venus gets a warm squeeze from expansive Jupiter, you'll meet some fascinating strangers and turn them into friends. Mingle, network, and check out scenes that speak to your current obsessions. Creative synergies could emerge and you could soon be collaborating on a joint venture. While only a chosen few will make it to your inner circle, growing your contact database can be a profitable move. As the saying goes, "your network is your net worth." Scout out people who are slaying at the very skills you want to develop. One of them could even take you under her wing.
Your personal power is on the rise starting Thursday, as make-it-happen Mars swings into Leo until September 5. The red planet only visits your sign once every other year, bringing major momentum for all your plans and projects. But that's not all! On Saturday, Leo season begins when the sun makes its annual journey through your sign until August 22. Then, on Sunday, there will be a new moon in Leo — the first in a back-to-back pair, followed up by an extra-potent August 21 solar (new moon) eclipse in Leo! Basically, your star power is on the rise for the next six weeks. Pro tip: Focus on your strengths instead of scattering your energy and biting off more than you can chew. There will be lots that excites you, but what's in your wheelhouse? Channel energy there and make your impact. Ready to start fresh on a new life path? Consider these cosmic forces your personal launchpad. Go!
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
August 23 to September 22
Who says business and pleasure can't mix? Early this week, those lines could blur a bit as "no limits" Jupiter and charming Venus mingle in your money houses. Don't be shy about talking shop with friends, family, and even your romantic interest. It may be that your skills dovetail beautifully — at least for a one-time project. Or maybe someone could hire you for a gig or vice versa. Jupiter's candour can help you spell out clear terms and speak honestly about your work style. Lay it all on the table, Virgo, and be real about the tasks you abhor as well as the ones you adore. Got a project to pitch or an idea to present? This cosmic alignment gets you in good graces with the office influencers. You could talk your way into a promotion, get picked as team lead, and even score some bonus cash.
On Thursday, break out the angel cards and spark up the sage. Passionate Mars moves into Leo and your woo-woo 12th house, igniting your interest in all things mystical. The sun also decamps to Leo and for a month beginning Saturday, followed by Sunday's Leo new moon. Is there a modern-day witch living inside of you, Virgo (or call yourself a magicmaker, if you prefer)? Explore this enigmatic part of yourself while Mars hovers here until September 5 — and don't be surprised if messages come to you in your dreams. Your subconscious mind will be active for the rest of the summer and you'll have to learn ways to "actively relax" so you don't get overwhelmed by your emotions. There's no time like the present to start a yoga or meditation practice — or simply go on long walks in nature. Dancing could become a spiritual experience. Go easy on the anxiety-provoking substances like caffeine, sugar, and alcohol and swap for soothing herbal tea, fresh fruit and green juice. A supportive mentor, like a therapist, coach, or even a shaman, could provide amazing guidance in the journey of deeper self-discovery that's about to unfold.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
September 23 to October 22
Oh, the places you could go! This Tuesday, your planet, romantic Venus, gets in formation with worldly Jupiter, luring you towards distant lands. Set up those fare alerts and start pricing out your next adventurous vacation. A change of scenery would do wonders for your soul, even if you're just slipping off for a night in a cool Airbnb. But, if possible, think bigger — and further — than the familiar. If funds aren't there for overseas travel, start a special savings account and contribute to it every pay day. That spare change you fish out of your pockets can add up quickly, too. In the meantime, stretch in the figurative sense by listening to travel podcasts, doing lessons on the Duolingo app, or taking a foreign language immersion class at a community college.
Your popularity is headed skyward starting Thursday, as energiser Mars sails into Leo and activates your 11th house of collaboration and community until September 5. Embrace the art of the group hang! Everyone wants a piece of your time, Libra, but you'll exhaust yourself trying to accommodate all those one-on-ones. The sun joins the Leo party from Saturday until August 22, illuminating new scenes that speak to your soul. And Sunday's new moon in Leo could usher you in as the official member of a group. The 11th house is the tech sector, so give your social media profiles a review. Are you representing true to form? Try googling your name to see what comes up. You may realise that it's time to take down a few of those tweets and repost some well-lit photos of yourself. This is a stellar time for any online initiatives, whether you're selling your couture shoes on eBay, starting an Etsy shop, or cueing up the posts for your blog.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
October 23 to November 21
Get a room, Scorpio! Or, uh, hang the Do Not Disturb sign. Early this week, daring Jupiter gets into a sultry samba with love planet Venus, making you more adventurous in the game of love. Near Tuesday, someone could sweep you off your statement sandals — and you'll be more than game to play along. But why not treasure this little dalliance for yourself? Enjoy the secrecy without feeling pressure to put your business on the wire. Attached? This boundary-pushing transit could spice up your bedroom game. Try out some new toys or enjoy some spicy role-playing. Pick your safe word, though. Some fantasies might be best left to the imagination. Of course, you don't always know for sure until you try.
Ready to level up, Scorpio? The second half of the week brings a major boon for your career. On Thursday, go-getter Mars sails into Leo and your 10th house of success, energising your ambitions until September 5. An added boost of firepower comes on Saturday when the sun enters Leo's den until August 22. Suit up and get ready to play with the ballers, Scorpio. You could be fielding conference calls from the beach or sacrificing some pool time for profitable pitch meetings. And on Sunday, a new moon in Leo could bring an influential mentor your way. Got friends in high places? Ask them to put in a good word on your behalf. This could yield a dream client or amazing job interview by the solar eclipse on August 21.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
November 22 to December 21
Early this week, your ruling planet, live-out-loud Jupiter, gets into lucky formation with romantic, enchanting Venus. You'll have them before hello, which is definitely flattering. But the question is: Do you actually want these people in your life? Turn on that charm selectively. If you do, you could break the ice with an amazing new friend group or get the party started on a collaborative project. Romantically, the Venus-Jupiter duo expands your palette. You could become enchanted by someone who totally breaks from type — and who woos you with a hella sexy accent. Coupled Archers could hatch a game-changing plan together, like backpacking through Asia or teaming up on a business venture.
On Thursday, life takes off at a galloping pace — ain't no stopping you now! Go-getter Mars charges into Leo and your ninth house of travel, adventure, and expansion. This is the house naturally associated with your sign, so you'll feel in your fiery and passionate element. And it gets better on Saturday when the life-giving sun joins the Leo party, followed by a new moon on Sunday. After a sluggish and emotional start to the summer, your happy-go-lucky nature is back at the wheel. Take a gamble on your next growth experience: teacher training in Costa Rica, applying to night school, moving to a brand new city? The world will always be your oyster, Sagittarius, and Sunday's new moon could reveal the first pearl.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
December 22 to January 19
No pain, no gain? That might as well be the Capricorn mantra. It's as if you don't believe you've earned it unless you've struggled. But what if suffering were optional? Tuesday's supportive sync between easy-breezy Venus and lucky Jupiter could open the doors to progress…and you won't have to break a sweat to get there. At work, a helpful man or someone in upper management could be your benefactor, putting in a good word on your behalf. But don't expect them to be psychic, Capricorn. Ask for their support. Got something to pitch or present? Boldly lay your offer on the table and sweeten the deal by picking up the tab for a power lunch.
A steamy second half of summer is in store for you, Capricorn! On Thursday, passion planet Mars sashays into Leo and your seductive eighth house until September 5. The sun follows suit on Saturday, spending a month in Leo. Get those fantasies rolling—and check out these one-handed reads if you need some erotic inspo. Take the initiative when you feel the sparks. Your intuition is a strong guide now, Capricorn, the only problem could come in filing people in the proper categories. Impetuous Mars can leave you blinded by lust, so you'll be fine as long as you don't try to turn a fling into the real thing. If possible, reserve your time for someone you ticks all the boxes: mind, body, and soul. You could meet serendipitously during Sunday's new moon. Coupled Caps could go "all in" with your merger. Do we hear bells?
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
January 20 to February 18
Cupid's crossbow is aimed at you, Aquarius, and he wants you to take a chance in the game of romance. This Tuesday, heartthrob Venus and venturesome Jupiter get into a "royal flush" formation, giving you the green light to do something daring. Approach your office crush or say "hi" to that insanely hot stranger on the tube platform. Crushing on a friend? 'Fess up and see what happens — lady luck is on your side. Happily coupled Aquarians should plan a holiday and take it soon. Even a long weekend at an Airbnb would do wonders for you both.
The powerful pull of partnership gets even stronger in the second half of the week! It begins on Thursday when lusty Mars zooms into Leo and your seventh house of relationships until September 5. On Saturday, the sun follows suit, sizzling in Leo until August 22. You could meet a promising prospect — and get ready, because things will heat up fast! Do you want "more" from a certain someone in your life? No more playing coy, dropping hints, or dragging out your preferred timeline. Nope, Aquarius: Forthright Mars wants you to boldly present your vision of love. Has someone been giving you the runaround? With Sunday's new moon in Leo (the first in a back-to-back pair) put a stop to the game playing. An ultimatum might be the only way: Choose me or I'm moving on, baby. If you've been the one dragging your statement sandals, this is your cue to jump in with both feet.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
February 19 to March 20
Flipping through old photos on your phone again, Pisces? With a rush of nostalgia sweeping in early this week, we wouldn't be surprised. On Tuesday, gushy Venus gets in a warm-fuzzy formation with big-hearted Jupiter. Suddenly, someone's irritating habits could feel like endearing quirks — and you may be ready to bury the hatchet with a friend you've been keeping on ice. (WTH were you fighting about, anyway? You can barely remember.) If someone from your past pops into your mind early this week, don't hesitate to reach out. Not only will it be great to catch up, but your intuition may be guiding you to her for more important reasons. You two need to talk.
Your wellness warrior wakes up in the second half of the week, so grab your tennis racket or swim goggles, Pisces. (And maybe invest in a work-to-workout gym bag.) On Thursday, motivator Mars powers into Leo and your healthy living zone until September 5. Then, on Friday, the sun sails into Leo for a month, followed by the first of two Leo new moons on Sunday. Bring on the body love, building more movement into your daily schedule, and adding more clean, green food to your plate. Work demands will also heat up, which is all the more reason to keep your body humming like a finely tuned machine. With competitive Mars in the frame, your diligence could land you in good graces with the office influencers. Ready to find new work? Circulate on LinkedIn and at networking events starting with Sunday's new moon.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
March 21 to April 19
Holding in your real feelings? No more dodging that difficult conversation, Aries. Early this week, a flowing formation between candid Jupiter and diplomatic Venus helps you get it off your chest — without putting the relationship in jeopardy. You've been known to speak too harshly to people, which is never your intention, it's just that your sign is a little, uh, direct. But Venus will soften the blow of your truth hammer. You can still get your point across, but without crushing anyone's ego in the process. Set up a Tuesday tête-à-tête, maybe over dinner at a restaurant with great atmosphere. If you're chatting via FaceTime, light some candles, pour a glass of vino, and settle into a comfortable spot. The more relaxed you are, the better this will go.
An extended sashay down the red carpet begins this Thursday as your ruler, motivator Mars, zooms into Leo and your fifth house of fame, creativity and romance until September 5. This every-other-year occurrence will be more potent than usual because the brilliant sun will also be in Leo from Saturday until August 22. Wardrobe! Styling! Like it or not, Aries, you'll be the centre of attention for the rest of the summer. Perform on stage, present from the podium, or put your work into the public eye. Romantically, the Mars-sun duo makes you a major love magnet. Coupled Aries may be ready to take a bold leap — and with this fertile energy afoot, that might include a trip aboard the mothership. The new moon on Sunday could ignite major sparks with a new love interest or kick off an exciting chapter with your S.O.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
April 20 to May 20
Streamline, simplify, succeed! That's the equation early this week as aesthetic Venus and can-do Jupiter join forces in the most practical parts of your chart. There's magic in minimalism, Taurus, so accessorise judiciously and let the main pieces stand out. At work, do you see opportunities for growth? Chat with your boss about your vision and even suggest a lunch together, because a laid-back atmosphere will be best for your pitch. Be more vocal in staff and client meetings. Your creative input could peg you as the up-and-comer in the office.
On Thursday, domestic affairs take precedence as energiser Mars decamps to Leo and your home and family zone until September 5. Then, on Saturday, the sun joins the Leo squad until August 22. All will not be quiet on the Taurus homefront — in fact, it could get rather heated under your roof. Time to iron out conflicts with relatives and roomies so you can all live in peace. Easy does it, though, Bull: You may be feeling frustrated but you don't want to read anyone the riot act in a way you'll later regret. Focus on finding creative compromises and win-wins. The home decor bug could bite, especially near the new moon on Sunday. Spruce up your space but be careful not to take on such an epic project that you cut in to your summer fun time.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
May 21 to June 20
Live-out-loud Gemini is at the wheel early this week — and the world is loving it. Show pony Jupiter sends some love to enchanting Venus, who is hovering in your sign all week. One word: unleash! Better you should err on the side of being "too much" than risk fading into the background. In love, be crystal clear with your feelings and intentions. In your own uncertainty, you've been known to throw out a mixed signal or two. But that could backfire now. Avoid throwing an interested party off your trail or confusing your S.O. If you need a little space and "me time," don't pick a fight to get it. Just pursue your personal passions while giving the one you adore a verbal affirmation that you aren't abandoning them in the process. Single Gems could meet a promising prospect — and with global Jupiter in the mix, they could hail from a different culture or part of the world.
On Thursday, go-getter Mars moves into Leo and your platonic partnership zone until September 5, helping you twin for the win! A dynamic duo could launch you into a new league — and even more so after Saturday, when the radiant sun bursts into Leo for a month. Let the collaborative juices flow, whether you're teaming up on a songwriting project, co-hosting an event, or sharing a purchase to cut costs and gain access to something you couldn't afford on your own. The new moon on Sunday could reveal a BFF-quality kindred spirit. Let the connection grow organically even if you already know this person will be in your life, like, forever. This communicative cosmic cycle is also stellar for media projects. Time to write that sci-fi novel, shoot a documentary, or record a podcast, Gemini. Explore!
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.Like what you see? How about some more R29 goodness, right here?
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