Who will be the Gigi to your Bella, the Prince to your Paris? Connecting to kindred spirits is what makes life feel so magical — more so than ever at the moment, as the sun spends its first full week of 2017 in Gemini, the sign of the Twins. You don't have to share DNA (or a rock royalty bloodline) to have an amazing bond. Surface differences dissolve as you discover common ground. Go out of your way to seek synergies and even suggest an informal partnership if you feel a cosmic click. No need to turn this into anything formal. Test the waters with a smaller collab and see how it develops by the corresponding full moon on December 3.
While friendship vibes spread like wildfire in dry underbrush, love is a different story. On Thursday, secretive, seductive Pluto throws shade at romantic Venus, making everyone's feelings, well, complicated. One minute, we're dying for closeness and affection, the next, we can't get far enough away. Such is the way of magnetic draws — they attract and repel. For this reason, it's best to avoid making any snap decisions in the game of love. Pace yourself or take a little space. You might even do a little detective work to find out if you're reading the situation accurately. Clarity should return next week, especially if you ask the right questions.

May 21 to June 20
Raise your glass to the sky! Not only is this the first full week of Gemini season (the monthlong phase when the sun blazes through your part of the sky) but on Thursday, the new moon in Gemini electrifies the skies. This lunar event is basically like your cosmic new year, so write up a wish list and break out the vision board supplies. The seeds you plant now could bring a bountiful harvest by December 3, the date of the Gemini full moon. When mapping out your desires, be a little "selfish." While you want the best for everyone you love, what would make your heart sing? Maybe it's a Balinese retreat to get your yoga teacher certification. Weekly sessions with a voice coach, or a love nest with your S.O. Shoot for the moon, Gemini, no apologies. You only get one day every year like this, so you might as well maximise its potential.
Group dynamics could get a little choppy near the weekend as harmonious Venus catches friction from complex Pluto. Your best efforts to keep everyone happy could be met with high-maintenance resistance, even people cliquing off together. Don't force the togetherness. It might be best to cool down and send everyone to their respective corners until next week. And don't feel guilty if it's you who wants to break off with an individual in your squad. Strengthen the bond with some one-on-one time, especially if you feel a sacred connection (or a romantic one) brewing.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
June 21 to July 22
System overload! Open up some bandwidth in your schedule this week, Cancer, before your personal OS crashes. Last weekend, the sun drifted into Gemini and your 12th house of healing and rejuvenation for a month. While time stops for no one, you can slow your pace until your birthday season begins on June 21. What do you need to clean up, cut back on, or cease and desist? On Thursday, the annual new moon in Gemini helps you let go of that which is no longer serving you. Start with your physical space. Where can you downsize? Don't race to replace the goods you send off to the Goodwill. Instead, opt for quality over quantity. Give your friend list a once-over, too. Are there certain relationships that seem to suck your soul? Or maybe you're the one who is always putting in the effort with little return. Implement some boundaries and redirect your energy towards people who give as good as they get. These moonbeams may inspire a meditation practice to quiet your busy mind. Try an app like Insight Timer or start writing a diary to get all those thoughts out of your head!
Near the weekend, you may realise that you're drifting apart from an important person in your life. Double down with your efforts to revive the relationship. This may require a small sacrifice, for example, you making the commute to visit or changing something in your schedule so you can at least squeeze in some FaceTime-ing. When you "feed the emotional bank account," you'll reap the rewards in love and support.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
July 23 to August 22
You've perfected your secret sauce, Leo. Now, it's time to share the recipe. The sun sails through Gemini and your communal 11th house for the first whole week of 2017, putting squad goals in your crosshairs. Why do all the heavy lifting alone when there are willing and able people who want to support you as you rise? Thursday's new moon in Gemini could direct you to a fresh crop of collaborators. You can still be in charge, Leo. (We know you have a vision.) But what's the harm in hearing other people's ideas? Assemble a hive mind of people you trust — ones with proven track records of success. One brainstorming session alone could elevate your plans in amazing ways. Is it time to spruce up your social media profiles? People will be googling your name, so make sure their searches lead them to your personal best. Delete the drunk tweets and let this be your excuse to schedule a photo shoot!
Near the weekend, there actually can be too much of a good thing. With decadent Venus weaving in and out of your expansive ninth house since February, you may have run up quite the tab on all your "personal explorations." And while they no doubt paved the way for some epic growth, it's time to pump the brakes. Strategic Pluto lays down the gauntlet on Thursday, sending your hedonism on hiatus. This weekend, think twice before you order a third dirty martini (and pay for everyone's round) or give your number to that dangerously alluring player. Simple pleasures, like deep conversations and a romantic moonlight stroll, will sate you more than another flower print festival dress, especially if you open up and share from the soul.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
August 23 to September 22
Ascend! Your career house is on fire this week as the sun blazes through Gemini for its first full week in 2017. Log out of Snapchat and hide all those messenger windows. Focus like a laser beam, sharp and direct, is required to maximise this momentum. Thursday's new moon in Gemini is one of the year's best days for pitching, presenting, or planting seeds. These moonbeams mark the beginning of an upward trending cycle of success that culminates with the Gemini full moon on December 3. Where would you like to be six months from now: The corner office, working from a hammock in Tulum, travelling business class as a high-flying exec? Get a clear picture in your mind, even make a vision board to keep that image present. Energy flows where your attention goes.
Your powers of attraction intensify near the weekend as amorous Venus locks into a dynamic dance with magnetic Pluto. The question is, are you drawing the right people your way? Careful not to fall for flattery — and avoid the "compare and despair" syndrome. Your friends may appear to have the perfect relationship, but behind closed doors, they have issues just like everyone else. Instead of seeking an implausibly flawless match, look for someone whose quirks you can live with. You could even meet this very human being at a party this weekend. If you're already attached, give your S.O. your undivided attention — truly, the greatest gift. Make a point of really listening, without turning the conversation back to your own experiences. Ask questions and get involved. You'll feel so much closer once you do.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
September 23 to October 22
Where is that crocheted backpack of yours? Your nomadic nature is piqued by the Gemini sun, which is spending its first full week in your house of travel and adventure. Send your Glamazon on sabbatical and let your bohemian side take the wheel. Venture outside your comfort zone — in comfy, casual attire — and mingle multiculturally. Your "global family" of friends could grow exponentially via real-life and online connections. (Good reason to start following a few festival-hopping 'grammers or a great feed from a retreat centre in Bali.) Get plans in motion for your next big holiday near Thursday's new moon in Gemini. Although you might not take the trip immediately, the dream will come to life once you start your research. The new moon may inspire you to journey in the figurative sense by signing up for a self-development workshop or summer class. Expand your horizons, Libra!
Near the weekend, try to remember that "denial" ain't just a river in Egypt. With investigative Pluto throwing shade to your ruler, rosy Venus, you could suddenly realise that you've been romanticising a situation that's not all it's cracked up to be. Instead of keeping up the fantasy, deal with the situation honestly. While it may be awkward or uncomfortable to broach the topic, doing so could open up a truly intimate conversation. And in truth, Libra, you never really know someone until you've had your first conflict. An ability to handle dissent creatively and proactively could actually strengthen a bond.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
October 23 to November 21
Rolling in the deep? That's the Scorpio way. Plunge into those mysterious waters as the sun spends its first complete week in Gemini and your esoteric eighth house. You'll feel right at home there, especially if you surround yourself with people who aren't afraid to bare their souls. Paddle away from the superficial types or just shift conversations away from small talk. You might have to do something very un-Scorpionic and be the first to share personal details, but trust that this will pave the way for other people (the right people, at least) to open up in kind. Bonds deepen, especially near Thursday's new moon in Gemini. If the urge to merge strikes, follow it. A budding attraction or business synergy could develop into a full-on romance — or promance — before the corresponding full moon this December 3.
Warning: Your suspicious mind could disrupt a budding connection near the weekend as enchanting Venus clashes with your ruler, protective Pluto. Don't ignore your intuition if it red flags you. But do your detective work before you write someone off. What's hidden may not be as nefarious as you think. One way or another, it's best to find out the facts. Then, you can decide whether this is a point that can be negotiated or a fatal flaw.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
November 22 to December 21
The urge to merge is becoming too overwhelming to ignore, Sagittarius. Chalk it up to the sun's monthlong tour of Gemini, which began last Saturday. And this Thursday, the annual new moon in Gemini ignites that twinning urge even further. A complementary force could appear, sweeping you off your flatform sandals; or your networking efforts could illuminate a killer collaborator for a business venture. Could your existing relationships use some equilibrium? You're a big-hearted soul, Sagittarius, but you've been known to give until it literally hurts. If your generosity isn't being appreciated, pull back. You don't necessarily have to read the "users" the riot act. After all, you did kind of train them to treat you like their on-call support staff. Start saying “no” to requests and let some of those texts go unanswered for a few hours (or days). To paraphrase the song, they won't know what they've got 'til it's (kind of, sort of) gone.
Lock up the plastic near the weekend! With fashion-forward Venus weaving in and out of your hedonistic fifth house since February, you've no doubt amassed some treasures for your wardrobe and jewellery case. But on Thursday, play-it-safe Pluto wags a finger at Venus and warns you against dipping any further into your "disposable income." If you're having trouble paying all the bills, don't just leave them in a stack on your desk. Call and arrange a payment plan to keep your credit score in good standing. Party chitchat could turn into shop talk seamlessly this weekend. Without being obnoxious, feel free to ask people, "So, what do you do for a living?"
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
December 22 to January 19
Lush green hiking trails, lots of organic veggies, walks on the beach. Yes, please! The sun swirls through Gemini and your healthy living zone for its first full week, waking up the wellness warrior within. Suddenly, anything over-processed or synthetic will make your skin crawl — from frozen food to superficial people. Let your "all natural" side take the wheel. You are an Earth sign, after all. Capricorns are known for your stamina and love of the great outdoors. Take your fitness regimen al fresco and your laptop to an outdoor café. At work, embrace a challenging assignment, even if you have to invent one and pitch it to the powers that be. Make sure it's something you can pull off by the corresponding full moon in Gemini on December 3. By raising the bar (and the stakes), you'll elevate your professional reputation and position yourself as one to watch!
Plan to do some emotional excavation near the weekend, when love planet Venus locks horns with plumb-the-depths Pluto. You may have underestimated the strength and intensity of your own feelings. Surprise! A situation could crack your cool-as-a-cucumber exterior. And while you'd prefer to "keep up appearances," this could be a blessing in disguise. Vulnerability is required if you want to create true intimacy. What you consider embarrassing could actually be incredibly endearing. Remind yourself of this, Capricorn: You don't have to keep it all together!
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
January 20 to February 18
Pump up the volume on, well, everything, Aquarius! For the first full week of 2017, the sun is beaming in Gemini and your fifth house of fame, flamboyance and affairs of the heart. And on Thursday, the annual new moon in Gemini amplifies that buzzy energy even further. Give your wardrobe a once-over. You love your denims and preppy whites, but mix it up with some saturated colourblocking and rainbow brights. Cupid comes a-calling, too, opening your heart to a hot prospect you may have overlooked before. If you've been flirting on Facebook messenger or just feeling that crackle of electricity when you-know-who steps into the room, la luna nudges that attraction along to the next level. Make your move, Aquarius — the waiting game is so last century. Attached? Fill the weekend calendar with some pampering and playdates. When your tanks are full (which might just take a massage and trip to the salon) you'll have ample emotion to share with the one you adore. Veer away from the dive bars and ho-hum haunts and pick up a pair of tickets to a great show.
Near the weekend, pay close attention to the details. A dynamic angle between creatrix Venus and probing Pluto can make you feel like Sherlock Holmes and Jessica Jones rolled into one. If something feels "off" to you, investigate — if for no other reason than to soothe your suspicious mind. Surprise! What you uncover might be a pleasant discovery. Just make sure you stop short of snooping. Googling someone's name is one thing; breaking into their email account is quite another.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
February 19 to March 20
Nestle back on that pillow mountain and nibble your avocado toast. (Cat on lap optional.) The Pisces domestic diva takes the wheel as the sun spends its first full week of 2017 in Gemini and your cosy fourth house. Home is where your heart needs to be, so here's hoping your space feels like a sanctuary. If not, Thursday's new moon prompts you to do something about it. Refresh your decor scheme or set up some house rules with your roomie. Is it time to relocate or maybe cohabitate - why not check out properties in a totally new postcode, just for the heck of it. Your relationship with an important woman could get a reboot. If you've been squabbling, have a heart to heart before the weekend. Your healing talks could even ignite an exciting collaborative effort.
When you're out with friends near the weekend, ask to split the bill. An obfuscating angle between laid-back Venus in your money house and scheming Pluto in your friendship zone could create friction around shared finances. If you sipped soda water and only ordered a main, you'll boil with resentment if you wind up paying for everyone's drinks and starters. Conversely, you don't want to piss off friends by expecting them to pick up your tab. Avoid dicey social experimentation this weekend, too. Compassionate, you might have no trouble accepting the idiosyncrasies of a drama queen but her high-maintenance ways could be a buzzkill for your squad — and ultimately, the blame will come back to you.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
March 21 to April 19
Your social butterfly wings are getting a good workout as the sun spends its first full week in Gemini and your communicative third house. Don't just flutter to the usual spaces and places. On Thursday, 2017's only new moon in the sign of the Twins will illuminate a fresh crop of kindred spirits, kind of like the "sestras" of Orphan Black. Though originality is in your cosmic DNA, there are still a few people on this planet who tread on common ground. Begin exploring extracurricular activities and checking out scenes that speak to your current interests. Since you're prone to making snap judgments — and a little too quickly at that — show up a few times before making a final call as to whether or not the group is a good fit. P.S.: You may have to commute to a new neighbourhood or sister city to find your fix. If it's time for a better transportation plan, let the test drives commence!
Romantically, you'll want to dial down some of your swagger in favour of a more open-hearted approach. While we're not suggesting you sacrifice self-respect, some of your pride could be creating walls with the one(s) you love. If your S.O. issues a complaint about the relationship, try not to take it as a character assassination. Instead, take a walk in their shoes and try to understand why they might feel that way. Perhaps they've misconstrued your motives. An honest apology and a subtle tweak in your behaviour will bring back the love. And hey, if you'd like to see some improvements yourself, schedule a heart-to-heart near the weekend. Instead of making accusations, just ask for what you need.
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
April 20 to May 20
Back to hustle mode you go! The sun spends its first full week in Gemini and your second house of work and finances putting you in an industrious groove. But no need to slog through the daily grind. Thursday's new moon in Gemini could open the floodgates of opportunity. Maybe it's time to circulate your CV or ping a few promising connections on LinkedIn. If you're happy with your place of employment, explore growth opportunities within the company. Pitch a project that will let your talents shine, even if it doesn't come with additional pay. Showing and proving what a self-starter you are will peg you as "one to watch." Is there a gap in your skill set? Sign up for a training that can bump you to a higher pay grade. It might take until the corresponding full moon on December 3 to fully make your leap up the ladder. In the meanwhile, make sure you can easily answer these interview questions. Luck is when opportunity meets preparedness!
When it comes to your emotional life, get the facts before you react — especially near the weekend, when romantic Venus clashes with ultra-sensitive Pluto. People say and do stupid things, Taurus, but flying off the handle isn't the only logical response. Before you drag anyone across the Twittersphere or trash talk to your circle of mutual friends, think about the future of the relationship. Is this a person you'll need to have in your corner in the future? If so, address the matter privately first. You can extend the benefit of the doubt (maybe they really are that clueless) while also explaining why their actions were hurtful to you. That said, if you've had this conversation one time too many, this week could bring the straw that breaks the camel's back. You don't have to totally cut people out of your life (although you can), but put some major boundaries in place!
Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.Like what you see? How about some more R29 goodness, right here?
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